Our Purpose
Emotional support advocates and personal coach for self healing after abuse. For those who have been a victim of abuse, trauma or a target in a violent crime.
Our Mission
To give a voice and be an advocate for those who have survived abuse, trauma or crime.
To empower you, to take this internal journey to heal yourself.
To build and foster a sense of community here with other people who have also suffered the effects of trauma and abuse, PTSD or have been victimized by crime.
Encouraging and building a positive and uplifting enviornment where this community builds each other up one person at a time, sharing our struggles and insights along this journey.
To support and nurture one another, to inspire and encourage others on their journey.
To gain insights and effective tools to help us on our individual path to healing.
To build an awareness, to know you are not alone, you DO NOT have to hide.
To rid the stigma of shame, guilt and humiliation that survivors of abuse, trauma or a crime tend to carry.
To understand we do not have to accept or internalize the guilt, shame, or humiliation as part of our story.
Note: It’s vital to help rid the stigma of guilt, shame, and humiliation that we as victims of abuse, trauma or a crime tend to carry. This is NOT your burden to carry, we did not cause the event or do the crime, yet we tend to internalize it and identify ourselves with the emotions of guilt, shame and humiliation that the traumatic event caused. This has to stop! It is an undue burden that has been wrongfully internalized, there is no guilt, shame or humiliation in any of this. The event has ended and is over, we need to also release the emotional attachment and suffering it has caused.
To serve as an additional tool to help encourage, inspire, uplift one another to continue on our path to healing.
To overcome and release our unhealthy coping mechanisms and thought patterns we have come to identify with and have adapted for our own survival.
To support you along this journey to dive down deep, so you are able to find the root cause of where your suffering exists and release it completely. It is an internal journey, an emotional one, but this is where you must go in order to have the dramatic lasting effects of healing in your life that you have been seeking.
Now is the time to set this all down, to begin the inward journey to becoming whole again. You deserve to feel and be your best. It's not just a gift for yourself, but also a gift and a benefit to be your best for your loved ones as well.